Revolutionary Lifestyle Design

An online business can allow a revolutionary lifestyle design. You can get up when you want, where you want. Work from anywhere in the world and automate the sale of products online; products you don’t have to deliver yourself!

You don’t even need to handle a product yourself either. With business models like drop shipping and affiliate marketing, you can be a third party marketer and build a scalable and automated business from anywhere in the world. A lifestyle business can give you any lifestyle you choose.

Revolutionary Lifestyle Design – Implications

There’s many implications of this kind of business. Where would you like to live if there was no limitations? What would you do with your time if you didn’t need a job? Once you’ve built a profitable online business, you can benefit from both time and financial freedom. But the limitations of a “normal” life – working in a job, commuting from a certain location etc., give us a certain amount of stability and safety.

revolutionary lifestyle design

Our lives have parameters which make us feel safe and secure. Without them, anything is possible and this can open up a whole heap of problems; perhaps welcome problems but problems none the less!

Many entrepreneurs who have achieved this kind of freedom attest to periods of depression and a lack of purpose. Even millionaires commit suicide.

Lifestyle Design – What Would You Do?

One of the biggest quandaries could be about where you would live if you built an online business which replaced your income. How would you spend your time if money didn’t matter? Images online of people lying on the beach with their laptop tend to suggest the ideal scenario for online entrepreneurs.

But how long would the joy of working remotely keep you interested. Without purpose it can be an easy route to desperation and despair. Without other people on the same journey it would be incredibly lonely! Still, I’m willing to give it a shot! It’s sure gotta beat the hell out of a dissatisfying job working for peanuts!

What Does It Take To Build Freedom Into Life?

With an internet business you can build a digital “shop” and sell your products to anyone in the world. However, there’s a big difference between building a website and becoming financially free. As I’m now well aware of! When I started out learning about affiliate marketing back in 2010, I made a lot of mistakes. I expected a website to suddenly bring people from miles around because I had built it! How naive I was! A website without marketing is effectively like a newsagents in the desert. No-one can see it. Those who stumble past it are more likely to be looking for an oasis!

revolutionary lifestyle design

I chose low value affiliate products and expected the money to roll in. I worked really hard for a really long time. But still nothing happened. I didn’t know what I didn’t know. I figured hard work must pay off eventually. But working hard at the wrong activities doesn’t count. You need to work hard and smart too!

Easy Mistake To Make

Overworking is built into the western culture. In fact, struggle and pain are too. They are almost required to join a conversation in some situations. Using the internet to create more freedom directly contradicts much of what we have been taught about working hard and struggle. So if we are hard wired for struggle, we’ll struggle with everything, even if there’s an easier way!

This was my experience of an internet business for years.

Paid marketing gets things moving fast but obviously costs money. So I spent years on free marketing strategies which took ages. In most cases nothing came at all from all the work I put in. All the frustration and difficulties weren’t completely wasted because I learned from them. But I could have achieved a better result much more quickly if I had found help earlier.

Get help with a mentorship program – don’t go it alone!

The main key elements to my failures were trying to do it all alone, working hard at the wrong activities (like some free marketing strategies) and choosing the wrong products to sell online.

A Faster Way

I spent years doing everything the wrong way! A faster way is to use high value digital products which pay out larger commissions and paid marketing which gets things going fast. Of course this is all very expensive and I didn’t have the money when I started out.

But even if you’re on a tight budget, you can work smarter. Choose recurring income products to sell so that you’ll earn an income rather than just a single commission from a sale. Find a mentor to follow rather than scouring the internet for all the free stuff! Some things are simply worth paying for!

Ultimately it’s better to focus on actions which can be scaled. For years I blogged and it made little impact on my bank balance. Getting the right help has made a much bigger impact.

If you’re looking for revolutionary lifestyle design, join an online business community and mentorship program. Access one here.